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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

AVATAR movie review

I think this movie is one of the best movies of this year even though it came out late last year. It was very innovative with the special effects that it used. The 3-D effect was incredible as was the CGI.It was the type of movie that you didn't want to end. I give this movie a
5 out of 5 stars.

Despicable Me Movie Review

Even from the preview before the movie came out, I knew I had to see this. As a lot of you know, these computer animated movies seem to be aimed primarily at the adult audience. That's why I like them cause I'm a kid at heart. On a serious note, the movie was great. This type of movie didn't have to be thick in plot or great dialog. It was all around a wonderful movie. Steve Carell is that kind of actor that can make you laugh regardless of what it is. I believe he is a versatile actor and is perfect even for voice over's. The key character though was the littlest girl in the orphan group, she was adorable and made the film with her cruteness. All-in-all, I definately recommend this movie to anyone with a funny bone.
I give it 4 and a half out of 5 stars.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Crazy on the Outside Review

This film starred Tim Allen as a man who just got out of prison and just wants to have a normal life again. His family will put a smile on any disfunctional persons face. They will remind you of either you own family or someone you know. His sister(Sigorney Weaver) is a habitual liar and a drinker to boot. As he tries to get the life back he once had which was the girl and the family job, he runs into the deceat of his sister and the unwanted reuniting of an old mob buddy(Ray Liotta)
As he trie to keep it straight be going to his meaningless job at the burger joint and visiting his parole officer who might I add is a pretty single mother, falls in love with her. Needless to say the life of the legit burger monger wasn't the life for him so he turned back to his buddy to eventually find that it wasn't for him either so he took up the family business in painting and dated his parole officer and they lived happily, crazily ever after.
Although I pretty much gave you the film on a bronze platter, I recommend you see it. It will put a smile on your face.
I give this film a 4 out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Grown-ups Review

For those of us who grew up watching SNL(Saturday Night Live), we could appreciate the fact that all of the great names of comedy came together for one great movie. As far as comedy goes, I laughed histarically but that's not all there was to it. Rob Schneider marries an insanely grotesch woman. He has three girls,two of which are real lookers(Madison Riley and Jamie Chung) and the other pretty much looks like him(Sad). Pretty much everyone in the film has a disfunctional family and Adam Sandler, while getting together to mourne the passing of their basketball coach deside to bring all of the families together at this log cabin they used to stay at as kids. That's when they find how messed up their relationships are and deside to fix them. So the men,Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, Kevin James, Adam Sandler , and David Spade spend the whole movie basically making me laugh my ass off. Oh and did I mention that Salma Hayek is in it also? With appearances from Steve Buscemi, Colin Quinn, and Tim Meadows. A must see unless you have no humor in your entire body. I give this movie 5 out of 5 stars.

Prince of Persia Sands of Time Review

I honostly couldn't help but think through the whole movie up until it happend that the main character Jake Gyllenhaal was never going to kiss that leading actress Gemma Arterton. This was due to Brokeback Mountain. Sorry but I didn't tell him to do that movie. But, he did a great job in his role. I actually was pleasantly suprised. The film had bits of history in it that I could appreciate. The acting was great except for the mage. It was an acceptional film and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good movie.I give this film
3 and a half out of 5 stars.

Human Centipede Review

I only saw this film due to continuous raving about it.Not that it was a great movie but that it was extremely gorey. I like my fair share of gore so I watched it out of confidence that the people who praised this movie might be right. I was very dissapointed in not only this film but everyone who said that it was gorey and grose. It was neither unless you are a extremely soft individual who has never been or personally exposed to any degree of gore. The plot was typical in the sense that there were two girls stranded in the middle of a place they had no business being.They go to a house in the middle of no where to use a phone and get drugged. They wake-up and they are tied to gurney's and the sound of an oriental man screaming. A psychotic surgeon took them prisoner for his own creepy experiments. Can you gues what that might be?That's right HUMAN CENTIPEDE..... They fight him but he wins and through extensive surgical procedures, they become a human centipede.The oriental man in front, and the two females in the back single file. The surgeon removed their kneekaps and sewn their mouths to their butt holes while connecting all of their diegestive systems. So when he eats, the two girls eat get it?....
After that, they still try to leave. It's really pathetic. All in all, the rear girl dies due to malnutrition and an infection because of poo and the oriental man slit his own throat out of honor. The police find out what the surgeon has done and kill him but not before he kills them. The only one left was the middle girl and she had no where to go. Fade to black and that's the stupid film that I was mind scewed to see. See it if you feel like you have a better view on things but I thought it was awful. I give this film 1 out of 5 stars.

Robin Hood Review

From what I saw, this movie was slow to start by about an hour. That's not to say that the acting was bad because on the contrary it was great. It was that I found myself yawning halfway through it. It had battle scenes that most of us like and they were great but the scenes in between were to be desired. But, the plot was there. It wasn't like it was just aimless killing like Shoot-em Up(Garbage).It incredible that this story has carried on through the centuries. It comes from stories, few at that and of a ghost thief. The true Robin Hood might have been real at one point but it's like the movie V for Vendetta where the hero dies but the name carries on with the next hero. This movie, Robin Hood shows us that. As usual, Russell Crowe was great in his role as Robin Hood. The thing I like about this movie was that it didn't have me thinking of the previous movie with Kevin Costner and compare and contrast. It was exeptionally different from that of the first. Unfortunately, I was deprived from the last half of the movie due to technical error(the whole movie theater went black). But what I can say is that I wanted to know more about the rest of the film. I would recommend it to people with a love of history, violence, comedy, and romance. But rent it because you never know who's behind the projector. I give this movie
3 and a half out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Iron Man 2 Review

For those of us who saw the first Iron Man, didn't feel the same about the second. The effects were all there but there were a few things missing from this movie.First of all, Terrence Howard was absent in the second Iron Man. He wasn't the glue to the first film but he was Robert Downey's right hand man. When I saw that he wasn't in the second film, I was appauled.
I was happy to see the introduction of Black Widow and more of Samuel L. on screen. But it always gets me whenever there's a first movie with an amazing cast, then there's a sequal with some modifications to the key people. A little continuity goes a long way folks.
I do love a happy ending though. By that I mean at the end of these MARVEL movies, during the credits, there is a little peek of what's to come. I don't know about you but I get a little giddy when I see that.
I do recommend this movie rent it or buy it. It's a nice continuum of the first Iron Man. I give this movie
4 and a half out of 5 stars.

Avatar:The Last Airbender Review

This movie was obviously a kid film seeing as Nickelodeon made it and it was based off a cartoon. That's fine because I have nothing against cartoons. In fact, I'm just a big kid at heart. Anyways, I wasn't surprised one bit in this film. I went in thinking that all I was going to see was special effects. I was right on with that thought. That acting was something to be desired. I set aside the fact the Nickelodeon mad it and say that it is a film they chose to show on the big screen and should have put more and better preparations into it. They didn't dissapoint with the effects because I was floored at times with the amount of effects they used probably to offsset the bad acting. I would not recommend this film not even if someone already had it and wanted to watch it with you. I was tempted to complain for my money back after the movie because I felt I was robbed of $9.50.Because this is a childrens film, I give this film a
2 out of 5 stars.

Valentines Day Review

I had low expectations coming to see this film due to the horrible things the critics had to say about it. Me and my girlfriend went to see it on Valentines Day as couples do. I was pleasantly suprised. The amount of A-list actors was crazy. I would have been happy just to see George Lopez but there were atleast fifteen big names in this film other than him. We saw atleast two A-listers in each scene which was nice. The critics were right to say that there wasn't really a plot. But, there didn't need to be, it was Valentines Day and it was a plot of love and heart-ache. There was great acting and the actors seemed to mesh well together. The movie wasn't all that predictable for those that like the challenge of guessing the what happens the whole movie. i wasn't moved emotionally but I got some good laughs in. It was a nice movie to see with your significant other and I would recommend renting it or possibly buying.
The one movie I would say it compares to is LOVE HAPPENS which I also recommend. I give this a nice
4 out of 5 stars.

The New Clash of the Titans

For those of us who had already seen the previous "Clash of the Titans" which was made in the seventies, we know that it is a great and epic movie. This remake of a classic would hardly be considered a remake. I wouldn't consider it anywhere near the original. Okay, it had a lot of the same scenes as the first but the acting in this new one was horrible. The scenes were either too long or too short leaving you wondering WHAT?! I did fail to mention that the main character(Sam Worthington) in this was the same man who played the main male role in "AVATAR" that was pretty close to it as far as release date goes. The reason I bother to mention this is that this actor has too distinct of facial features to not be seen as the man that played as that guy in "AVATAR" for the rest of his career. I'm saying that after watching either one of those movies, I couldn't help but think and be stuck on the fact that this man was in another film. Maybe they could have released "Clash of the Titans" at a later date when the hype of "AVATAR" and all of the other great movies of the year had passed and maybe it would have gotten better reviews. "Robert pattinson" is another example of what I mean... During the "Twilight" saga, Robert stars in another movie "Remember Me". I had not seen this movie but just looking at the trailers and seeing the photos, he looks exactly the same as he did in "Twilight". What I am saying about these two actors is that they aren't going to be convincing of their characters in thier future films due to their epic roles that seem to stick to peoples brains throughout the years. So to sum my review up, I would say that the new "Clash of the Titans" was a BUST. "Sam Worthington", unless he can find a better role than the one he played in "AVATAR", will never be seen as another character other than that of "Jake Sully".
I give this film
2 and a  half out of 5 stars.