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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Crazy on the Outside Review

This film starred Tim Allen as a man who just got out of prison and just wants to have a normal life again. His family will put a smile on any disfunctional persons face. They will remind you of either you own family or someone you know. His sister(Sigorney Weaver) is a habitual liar and a drinker to boot. As he tries to get the life back he once had which was the girl and the family job, he runs into the deceat of his sister and the unwanted reuniting of an old mob buddy(Ray Liotta)
As he trie to keep it straight be going to his meaningless job at the burger joint and visiting his parole officer who might I add is a pretty single mother, falls in love with her. Needless to say the life of the legit burger monger wasn't the life for him so he turned back to his buddy to eventually find that it wasn't for him either so he took up the family business in painting and dated his parole officer and they lived happily, crazily ever after.
Although I pretty much gave you the film on a bronze platter, I recommend you see it. It will put a smile on your face.
I give this film a 4 out of 5 stars.

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