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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Robin Hood Review

From what I saw, this movie was slow to start by about an hour. That's not to say that the acting was bad because on the contrary it was great. It was that I found myself yawning halfway through it. It had battle scenes that most of us like and they were great but the scenes in between were to be desired. But, the plot was there. It wasn't like it was just aimless killing like Shoot-em Up(Garbage).It incredible that this story has carried on through the centuries. It comes from stories, few at that and of a ghost thief. The true Robin Hood might have been real at one point but it's like the movie V for Vendetta where the hero dies but the name carries on with the next hero. This movie, Robin Hood shows us that. As usual, Russell Crowe was great in his role as Robin Hood. The thing I like about this movie was that it didn't have me thinking of the previous movie with Kevin Costner and compare and contrast. It was exeptionally different from that of the first. Unfortunately, I was deprived from the last half of the movie due to technical error(the whole movie theater went black). But what I can say is that I wanted to know more about the rest of the film. I would recommend it to people with a love of history, violence, comedy, and romance. But rent it because you never know who's behind the projector. I give this movie
3 and a half out of 5 stars.

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