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Thursday, January 20, 2011

TRON Review

If you saw the first Tron back in the 80's, you were probably wondering when they were going to re-make this movie like evey other. Suprise! The new TRON captured everything that the previous one did. I was blown away not only of the effects but the 3D appearance that made it that much better. It was a longer movie than I expected but that only made it that much better. I could say that some of it dragged on a little as if the directer wanted a little down time to regroup and not totally blow the audience away with every scene. He might have thought not to spoil the viewers with action in every scene. The casting was wonderful as one of the original cast members came back. For the guys, the female casting was great. I would definitely recommend Tron as a must see even if you hadn't seen the previous one. But, I especially recommend it for the one's that had.
I give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

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