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Friday, February 18, 2011

The Eagle Review

Can't say enough about historical movies and dually about Roman history movies. I have to admit that in some spots it dragged on but the whole story was enough for me to want to see more. It was a great story with some good casting. It could have been a little shorter of a movie but I don't think that the viewer would have gotten all that they needed to get out of it. It had the violence that you'd expect with swords and shields and a nice message about honor. This film is on the same plains as the new Robin Hood where the movie felt a little like it dragged on but made up for it in story and violence.
I give it a 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

I spit on your grave Review

I'd have to say that it's a breath of fresh air seeing the woman come out on top in a horror flick. Due justice is well over due. Nice plot and it had me wondering what was going to happen next. Some scenes were a little unbearable but it helps the story along and give you a feel for the characters. I thought it was a little slow at the beginning but after that, it got hair-razingly good. If you like a little gore to top your day off, great choice and if you like a little female revenge, then go for it. I recommend this movie to those of you who yearn for that movie that isn't like the rest as far as horror goes.
I give this movie 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Zietgiest Review

What an overwhelmingly insightful movie. I was blown away by the abundance of information to which I never knew. This might have been because I never looked and that no one ever told me. For those of you who are highly religious, don't watch because I don't feel that you would appreciate it. Other than that, I recommend it to any who want to be informed and shocked.
I give this film a 5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Mechanic Review

Wow, What a movie! From start to finish, a great film. Jason Stathom was fantastic as usual. The plot was thick enough where the audience wasn't gonna lose interest at any point. It was much deeper than just killing people for money, it was much more and that was interesting. This movie had everything a man could want in a movie (sex,drugs,alcohol,violence,blood shed,and many ways for someone to get shot). I really liked this film because I didn't think that I was watching the Transporter series at any time during it.
I recommend this movie to the fullest to anyone who isn't squeemish for awkward moments and a little death.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Monsters Review

Another Sci-fi snoozer. The camera work looks like they tried to make it seem like a documentary or an amatuer video. There was some great scenary but a boring plot. The two main characters were also boring with their dialogue. I almost fell asleep watching it. I kept hoping that something would jump out of somewhere and startle me from what the title insisted. But, no startling went on throughout the whole thing. On the other hand, there were monsters and unlike cloverfield, I got to actually see them. It was honestly a drawn out movie which could have used more interesting everything.
I give this film a 2 out of 5 stars.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

White Out Review

A hot Marshall in Antarctica, can't get any better than that. Oh wait you can. The plot was enthrawlling and the effects were convincing to the knowledgable person. Some of the acting was not that great but all in all, I thought it was a good movie to see if someone puts it on. I wouldn't go to see it. I would watch it on cable or HBO on demand. It was a very good vedge out kind of movie. I personally liked the twists that were in it . It kept me in it and wanting to know who did what and when. I didn't figure it out till the end. So in that,
I give this movie a 3 and a half out of 5 stars.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

No Strings Attached Review

An Appaulingly Hilarious movie. It had great casting and a wonderful story. The plot had twists and it was funnier than all get out. I enjoyed every bit of it and unlike other movies out there, I felt like I wanted to see more at the end of it because I couldn't get enough. For a chick flick, I really liked it.
I recommend this movie obviously to thos of you who are of age or accompanied by an adult.
I give this film a 4 and a half out of 5 stars.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Last Exorcism Review

I personally felt that this movie was a bit slow and under budgeted. Being a documentary feely type of movie, it was just that in which it was a bit drawn out and predictable. The casting was okay but the lines could have been better. Compared to the rest of the Exorcism films, this one definitely doesn't compare due to it's lack of substance. I didn't come away from this movie feeling any bit of horrified, startled, or even in some way scarred. I fell asleep right after watching it if that tells you anything. It just wasn't convincing.
I give this film a 2 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Dilemma Review

Vince Vauhn and Kevin James work well together. As a whole I felt this movie was deeper than I initially gave it credit for after seeing the previews. I assumed it would be just straight funniness from start to finish. I was wrong. It was a funny movie but with a bit of seriousness and a stern message as well. It lagged a little here and there but all in all, a good movie.
If you enjoy Kevin James or Vince Vauhn movies, this is a definite must. It was a cute movie for both man and woman.
I give it a 3 out of 5 stars. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

TRON Review

If you saw the first Tron back in the 80's, you were probably wondering when they were going to re-make this movie like evey other. Suprise! The new TRON captured everything that the previous one did. I was blown away not only of the effects but the 3D appearance that made it that much better. It was a longer movie than I expected but that only made it that much better. I could say that some of it dragged on a little as if the directer wanted a little down time to regroup and not totally blow the audience away with every scene. He might have thought not to spoil the viewers with action in every scene. The casting was wonderful as one of the original cast members came back. For the guys, the female casting was great. I would definitely recommend Tron as a must see even if you hadn't seen the previous one. But, I especially recommend it for the one's that had.
I give it a 4 out of 5 stars.